LOHAYLA, SOUTH AFRICA - SEPTEMBER 7: Two of the some 6500 troops, police and supporting staff from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) descended on the Northen Cape as part of a military exercise, Exercise Golfinho, September 7, 2009 in Lohatlha South Africa. Close to 6500 troops, police and supporting staff from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) descended on Lohatlha in the Northen Cape as part of a military exercise, Exercise Golfinho. 11 of the SADC countries are participating in the exercise which had been in the planning stages since July 2008. The exercise is based on a fictional country called the Republic of Lohatlha, which suffers from internal stabilisation. Troops on land, in the air and on the sea will attempt to infiltrate and stabilise the rebel group. For the exercise, South Africa as the host country, would be providing between 800 and 1500 "dissidents" to play this part. The purpose of Exercise Golfinho is to test the SADC's abilities to conduct a peacekeeping mission. This exercise isn'?t anything new and not the biggest one South Africa has hosted, but it is the largest joint multi-national exercise since 1994. (Photo by Foto24/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
LOHATLHA, SOUTH AFRICA - SEPTEMBER 7: Amoured vehicles drive alonmg a dirt road as some 6500 troops, police and supporting staff from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) descended on the Northen Cape as part of a military exercise, Exercise Golfinho, September 7, 2009 in South Africa. Close to 6500 troops, police and supporting staff from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) descended on Lohatlha in the Northen Cape as part of a military exercise, Exercise Golfinho. 11 of the SADC countries are participating in the exercise which had been in the planning stages since July 2008. Troops on land, in the air and on the sea will attempt to infiltrate and stabilise the rebel group. For the exercise, South Africa as the host country, would be providing between 800 and 1500 "dissidents" to play this part. The purpose of Exercise Golfinho is to test the SADC's abilities to conduct a peacekeeping mission. This exercise isn'?t anything new and not the biggest one South Africa has hosted, but it is the largest joint multi-national exercise since 1994. (Photo by Foto24/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
LOHATLHA, SOUTH AFRICA - SEPTEMBER 7: Amoured vehicles drive alonmg a dirt road as some 6500 troops, police and supporting staff from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) descended on the Northen Cape as part of a military exercise, Exercise Golfinho, September 7, 2009 in South Africa. Close to 6500 troops, police and supporting staff from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) descended on Lohatlha in the Northen Cape as part of a military exercise, Exercise Golfinho. 11 of the SADC countries are participating in the exercise which had been in the planning stages since July 2008. The exercise is based on a fictional country called the Republic of Lohatlha, which suffers from internal stabilisation. Troops on land, in the air and on the sea will attempt to infiltrate and stabilise the rebel group. For the exercise, South Africa as the host country, would be providing between 800 and 1500 "dissidents" to play this part. The purpose of Exercise Golfinho is to test the SADC's abilities to conduct a peacekeeping mission. This exercise isn'?t anything new and not the biggest one South Africa has hosted, but it is the largest joint multi-national exercise since 1994. (Photo by Foto24/Gallo Images/Getty Images)


Discours du Ministre de la Défense Jean Marc Berthier Antoine lors de l’installation du nouveau Commandant en chef a.i des Forces Armées d’Haïti, le Lieutenant-Général Derby Guerrier.
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Visite du Ministre de la Défense Monsieur Jean Marc Berthier ANTOINE à la base de Clercine
Le Ministre de la Défense, Jean Marc Berthier Antoine, a effectué ce mardi une visite à la base des Forces Armées d’Haïti (FAD’H) à Clercine, afin de s’assurer...
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Visite ce lundi 5 août 2024 du Grand Quartier Général ainsi que la base des Forces Armées d'Haïti, à Clercine
MINISTÈRE DE LA DÉFENSE     Port-au-Prince, le lundi 5 août 2024              COMMUNIQUÉ   Le...
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Installation du Directeur Général du ministère de la Défense
Mr Jean Ronel SISTANIS Mr Jean Ronel SISTANIS, Directeur General du Ministère de la Défense Me Jean Ronel Sistanis installé comme nouveau Directeur...
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Biographie officielle de Jean Marc Berthier Antoine
Biographie officielle de Jean Marc Berthier Antoine, Ministre de la Défense de la République d’Haïti Jean Marc Berthier Antoine, Ministre...
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Installation du nouveau Ministre de la Défense, le criminologue Jean Marc Berthier Antoine
Lors d’une cérémonie tenue le mercredi 12 juin 2024, leministre de la Justice et de la Sécurité Publique, Me. Carlos Hercule, aprocédé à l’installation...
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Visite du Ministre de la Défense,Jean Marc Berthier Antoine, au Bicentenaire aujourd'hui. Le gouvernement, conformément à la vision du Premier ministre Dr Garry Conille, veut lutter contre l'insécurité et rétablir l'autorité de l'État. A cette vision, les FAD'H se mettent au pas.

Importante séance de travail avec le Haut État-Major des Forces Armées d'Haïti (FAD'H) aujourd'hui. Ensemble, nous œuvrons à renforcer la sécurité et à moderniser nos forces armées. L'engagement du gouvernement pour un Haïti plus sûr et plus résilient demeure inébranlable. #Sécurité #Défense #Haïti

Biographie Jean Marc Berthier Antoine

Jean Marc Berthier Antoine : est un expert évoluant dans le domaine de la sécurité publique et de la criminologie. Né à Port-au-Prince, en Haïti, il a consacré sa carrière à la prévention de la criminalité, à la gestion des urgences et à l’établissement de partenariats stratégiques pour améliorer la sécurité nationale.